Aqua Aura Aqua Aura


Aqua Aura is a crystal with a notably high vibration, renowned for its efficacy in psychic protection. By imbuing your aura with light, it facilitates the release of negative energies and serves as a deterrent against psychic attacks. These stunning blue gems are particularly effective in alleviating stress, as their energy exudes a profoundly calming, cooling, and soothing effect.

This crystal is recognized as a beacon of truth, aiding individuals in radiating their authentic, luminous essence into the world. It is particularly conducive to attracting abundance, success, and beauty by aiding in the release of false perceptions and facilitating personal evolution towards one's highest potential. You could wear the Aqua Aura Jewelry which is reputed to possess spiritual properties that enhance one's connection to the divine. You could wear it in numerous forms including the Aqua Aura Ring, Aqua Aura Pendant, Aqua Aura Earrings, Aqua Aura Necklace and the Aqua Aura Bracelet.

It supports the opening of spiritual channels, fostering a more profound connection with the divine realm. This enables access to guidance and support from the spirit world while facilitating a closer connection with one's higher self. Aqua Aura stone is also esteemed for its ability to alleviate fear and anxiety. It instils a sense of security and trust in the benevolent guidance of the universe, promoting a feeling of safety and serenity.

Healing Properties

Aqua Aura Healing Properties Aqua Aura Healing Properties

Aqua Aura: Healing and Wellness

Aqua Aura crystals possess exceptionally high vibrations, rendering them proficient healers for various conditions. These crystals have the capacity to purify and invigorate organs, as well as stimulate different bodily systems with their abundant life force. They are particularly adept at reducing fevers and fortifying the immune system. Moreover, they aid in harmonising polarities and offer assistance in addressing specific genetic disorders.

Aqua Aura Jewelry has the ability to oxygenate the blood, making them highly beneficial for individuals with conditions such as autism, cerebral palsy, and Asperger syndrome. Their energies also contribute to the well-being of the thymus, thyroid, and pineal glands, and they play a supportive role in the treatment of the liver, spleen, and pancreas.

Aqua Aura and Wealth

Aqua Aura and Wealth Aqua Aura and Wealth

Like most stones and crystals, the Aqua Aura will bring its wearer plenty of luck and prosperity. It’s a strong and supportive stone for the career-minded woman. The energies from this crystal can help you break boundaries and turn setbacks into opportunities. It will make you have an appreciation for everything that you’ve been through because it’s what led you to where you are right now. Aqua Aura Quartz is good to have for effective communication. You will be able to express what you want to happen in your business or financial dealings, and you will be able to do it with aplomb.

This crystal will influence you with its energy of stillness, quiet strength, and purification. All the mistakes of the past will be released from your aura, and this crystal will prevent them from making you feel afraid to try again. To benefit the most from your Aqua Aura, place it in a room where you think up new ideas, make important decisions, or begin new projects. It will positively influence the energy there. You could wear the Aqua Aura Necklace or the Aqua Aura Bracelet in order to benefit.

Aqua Aura, Love and Relationships

Aqua Aura, Love and Relationships Aqua Aura, Love and Relationships

When it comes to matters of love and relationships, Aqua Aura facilitates a journey into emotional depths, enabling access to emotions that profoundly impact you as an individual and as a partner. These emotions, whether positive or negative, hold the potential to catalyze transformative shifts within yourself and within your relationship. Utilized by crystal healers and others, Aqua Aura Rings, Aqua Aura Pendant or Aqua Aura Earrings are revered for its ability to soothe emotions and calm the emotional body, serving as a potent stress reliever and an effective antidote to anger.

This crystal is reputed to aid in the processing of emotional disturbances, grief, and traumas, alleviating their burdensome weight and facilitating emotional healing. Its healing energies gently release old wounds, instilling a newfound sense of self-assurance and self-worth. As a result, Aqua Aura Quartz infuses relationships with increased joy, hope, and positivity, fostering inner peace and openness to both giving and receiving love.

Trivial matters that once caused irritation fade into insignificance, as the realisation dawns that energy is better spent on more meaningful pursuits. The transformative energies of Aqua Aura Jewelry inspire a shift in perspective, you could pair it with the Sterling Silver Jewelry prompting a realisation of life's brevity and a resolve to prioritise love, rather than dwelling on negative emotions such as anger, fear, or uncertainty.

In matters of communication, Aqua Aura facilitates heartfelt expression, empowering individuals to articulate their emotions with clarity and passion. By speaking their truth, individuals find healing within their hearts, guided by the crystal's talismanic influence of love and passion. Romantic pursuits are invigorated, and perceptions of love are redefined, as a surge of romantic feelings imbues relationships with newfound depth and appreciation.

The energies of Aqua Aura attune individuals to the loving and harmonious vibrations of the universe, fostering connections with both existing and potential partners. As a transformer stone, it facilitates positive shifts in outlook, emotions, and prospects, banishing feelings of insecurity, anxiety, jealousy, and regret. In their place, thoughts and emotions conducive to personal growth, partnership, and relationship harmony flourish, creating an environment conducive to love, growth, and mutual fulfillment.

Metaphysical Properties Of Aqua Aura

Metaphysical Properties Of Aqua Aura Metaphysical Properties Of Aqua Aura

Aqua Aura is revered for its array of spiritual properties, each contributing to a profound connection with the divine and inner tranquility. Enhancing one's spiritual journey, this crystal opens up channels to the divine realm, fostering a powerful connection and facilitating guidance and support from spiritual guides and guardian angels. Its energy is particularly adept at assisting individuals in overcoming fear and anxiety, offering a sense of peace and security during times of need. The calming and peaceful vibration of Aqua Aura Jewelry soothes the mind and body, bringing a sense of balance and tranquillity to spiritual practices and daily life alike.


Aqua Aura is a captivating, shimmering blue hue that resembles the ocean's depths or a clear summer sky. Rananjay Exports which is a wholesale gemstone jewelry supplier and manufacturer is one of the best wholesalers who would provide you the best quality of gemstone jewelry. Here you could purchase the Aqua Aura Ring, Aqua Aura Pendant, Aqua Aura Earrings, Aqua Aura Necklace, or Aqua Aura Bracelet which would not only add to your appearance but also bestow you with numerous healing properties.