Aries Birthstones Aries Birthstones


Aries zodiac sign, which is the first sign in the zodiac, is the sign for people who are born between March 21st and April 19th. This zodiac sign, which is represented by a Ram, is followed by the Taurus zodiac sign. Ariens, or people who are born under the zodiac of Aries, are known for their dynamic nature and vigor which gives them the ability to seek adventure and action in life. There are many Aries birthstones that suit Ariens, like aquamarine, amethyst, jasper, and diamond. Other than these stones, important Aries gemstones that supply Ariens with healing energies and positive vibrations are jade, bloodstone, topaz, and ruby.

Facts About Aries Zodiac Sign

  • The Aries zodiac sign is a cardinal sign. Cardinal signs are the leaders of the zodiac.
  • Ariens struggles to maintain relationships with people born under Cancer and Capricorn.
  • The lucky numbers for Ariens are 1, 8, and 17.
  • Most compatible in love with fellow fire signs (Leo and Sagittarius) and air signs (Gemini and Aquarius).
  • The lucky color for Aries zodiac sign people is red.
  • The lucky day for Ariens is Tuesday.

Meaning of Aries Zodiac Sign

Meaning of Aries Zodiac Sign Meaning of Aries Zodiac Sign

Aries Zodiac Sign and The Symbol of Ram

The Aries zodiac sign is symbolized by Ram, and by Ram, here, we mean an adult male sheep. The dynamic energy of Ariens turns them into pioneers when they have a considerable amount of experience, and they often embody leadership traits. An interesting fact: Aries is the only cardinal fire sign in the whole of the zodiac. Because Aries is a fire sign with cardinal quality, it signifies venturing into new fields and is associated with taking action enthusiastically.

As Mars is the ruling planet of the Aries zodiac sign, all Ariens embody qualities like assertiveness, desire, and aggression. For those of you who do not know, in astrology, Mars is the masculine planet associated with passion, sex, and conflict.

Unique Personality of Ariens

Ariens love facing new challenges and since they possess great leadership skills, they are bold and direct in their communication. Because at times, Ariens become too bold and direct in their communication, people see them as cold or confrontational.

Likes & Dislikes of Aries Zodiac Sign


    • Comfortable outfit that enables them to move freely.
    • Being in leadership positions where Ariens can assert themselves.
    • Tough workouts and challenging sports that enable them to test their limits.
    • Winning in sports and competitive activities in general.

2. Dislikes

    • Monotony and Sedentary Lifestyle.
    • Inactivity and lazy days, because it stifles their energy.
    • Delay in tasks in which Ariens desire to progress.
    • Being stuck in tasks and activities where Aries cannot showcase their talents.

Career Aspirations of Ariens

Since the people born under the Aries zodiac sign love to lead and innovate, they work harmoniously in competitive environments where they are completely free to pursue their ambitions and take the initiatives that they desire. Some of the suitable career paths for Ariens are sports, entrepreneurship, sales, and entertainment.

History of Aries Zodiac Sign

History of Aries Zodiac Sign History of Aries Zodiac Sign

Origins in Astronomy

The Aries zodiac sign corresponds to the Aries constellation, which is situated in the north sky between Pisces and Taurus and this constellation has been known from ancient times to be relatively faint with no bright stars. If you look into recorded history, you will find that Aries was first archived by Ptolemy in the 2nd century AD, but some people suggest that this zodiac sign can be traced further back to Babylonian astronomy, where this sign was associated with agricultural cycles. The Babylonian system of zodiacs tells us that Aries is the significant marker for the vernal equinox, which used to fall around March 21st during those times.

Mythological Significance

The main myth that is related to the Aries zodiac sign is primarily derived from Greek mythology. According to one of the tales in Greek mythology, a ram known as Chrysomallus rescued Phrixus and his sister Helle from their evil stepmother, who had plotted to kill both of these children. This tale highlights the bravery of the Ram, something which is common in all Ariens, as they are generally brave.

Benefits and Uses of Aries Birthstones

Benefits and Uses of Aries Birthstones Benefits and Uses of Aries Birthstones

There are several Aries birthstones that are believed to be useful for Ariens, some of them being aquamarine, jasper, ruby, and jade. Below are the uses of each of the Aries birthstones:


    • Calming Energy: The aquamarine gemstone is known for its soothing properties, and it calms down the minds of Ariens while also reducing their stress and anxiety levels.
    • Communication: Aquamarine jewelry is one of the most important Aries gemstone jewelry that assists Ariens to express their thoughts without appearing too edgy and aggressive.


    • Grounding Energy: It’s a well-known fact that jasper is a great grounding stone like black tourmaline. Jasper gemstone is known to help Ariens connect with the energies of Earth, while also balancing the high energy levels that all Ariens possess.
    • Stamina and Endurance: Wearing jasper jewelry can help Ariens enhance their vigor, vitality, and stamina and support them in living a physically active lifestyle.


    • Passion & Courage: The ruby stone is known in astrology to enhance the courage of the individual while also inspiring him to pursue his dreams – and both these traits are highly desired by Ariens.
    • Leadership Qualities: Wearing ruby jewelry can improve the leadership skills of Ariens, and this Aries gemstone also helps them to seek recognition in their respective careers.


    • Prosperity: Jade is deeply associated with good luck and prosperity in many cultures, and this Aries birthstone helps Ariens to attract great opportunities in life.
    • Emotional Healing: Wearing jade jewelry can invite emotional healing into the life of Ariens. This Aries birthstone is also believed to encourage self-reflection among Ariens, enabling them to understand their motivations and feelings in a much better manner.


    • Eternal Love: Diamonds can help Ariens invite eternal love and everlasting romance into their relationship since diamond symbolizes love and purity.
    • Wealth: Diamonds are believed to be very beneficial for those who venture into businesses because the energies of diamonds are said to attract wealth and financial gain.


  • Leading a Fulfilling Life: Ariens who have worn topaz jewelry under the guidance of an astrologer have reported that this stone calms them down, enables them to attract positivity, and promotes joy and happiness, thus enabling them to lead a more fulfilled life.
  • Improves Mental Clarity: Topaz is also said to improve the mental clarity of Ariens, boosting their problem-solving abilities.

Final Thoughts on Aries Birthstones

We hope that you liked this insightful blog on Aries zodiac sign, and we assume that you might be searching for Aries gemstones and Aries birthstones. If you are searching for wholesale gemstone jewelry made in pure 925 sterling silver for the Aries zodiac sign, then you can purchase it from us – Rananjay Exports – we are India’s most esteemed wholesale gemstone jewelry manufacturer and supplier.

We have a huge range of sterling silver jewelry that comes under broadly two categories: handmade jewelry and casting jewelry. And we work with more than 250+ different gemstones, some of the gemstones being amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, and topaz. Purchase wholesale jewelry made with authentic gemstones and pure 925 sterling silver from Rananjay Exports, and impress your customers with the jewelry you source from us!