Blue Agate Blue Agate


Although agate is the birthstone associated with the sign of Gemini, it is not typically associated with a particular birth month. Since the Golden Age of Greece, blue has been significant for healing. It is frequently linked to truth, loyalty, and dependability. Ancient Indian and Chinese civilizations also held blue in high regard. Modern healers who use colour therapy advocate for blue stones in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders related to the throat. The chilly, calming quality of blue light has long been associated with poise and peace; in fact, it inspired the expression "feeling blue." It should come as no surprise that those who aren't really in love with the hue are nevertheless drawn to those who do. You wear the Blue Agate Jewelry and enhance your appearance while benefiting from the magical properties of the stone.

Blue Agate History

Blue agate history Blue agate history

The Achates River in modern-day Sicily is where the name "Agate" originated. Between 400 and 300 B.C., a Greek naturalist discovered agate there. Agate, particularly South American agate, frequently has a naturally occurring grey colour when left in its original state. Though most blue agate is coloured by dyeing, there are some naturally occurring variations that are outliers, such as "Holley blue agate" and blue lace agate (see our Gem Note on blue lace agate). The Romans knew how to dye, but it was in Idar-Oberstein, Germany—a major hub for cutting and dying since the early 16th century—that the closely-guarded technique of dying agate achieved its pinnacle.

Healing Properties of Blue Agate

Healing properties of blue agate Healing properties of blue agate

    • Blue Agate not only enhances expressiveness, courage, and social skills but also paves your way with kindness, joy, and appreciation, making it beneficial for communication and harmony. To activate this crystal's potential for communication skills, lie on your yoga mat and place the crystal over your throat, then meditate and chant the seed mantra OM into the crystal for a few minutes.
    • Associated with the sea and sky Gods, wearing the Blue Agate Jewelry brings calm, serenity, relief, and quiet, promoting sleep, peace, and tranquility. It is also known as a good stone for sleep health. Draw into divine energies with Blue Agate by charging your crystal with positive affirmations and visualisation or chanting sea or sky Gods like Poseidon, Mithras, and Varuna.
    • For those struggling to maintain composure in public spaces or with friends and family, a palm stone made of Blue Agate can bring feelings of happiness, hopefulness, positivity, and enthusiasm, contributing to emotional maturity. Charge your Blue Agate with the rising sun to program it for emotional balance, moving on, and acceptance, further enhancing its benefits. You could pair it with the Sterling Silver Jewelry.

Intelligence and Wisdom

Investigate the ability of Blue Agate to make decisions. If knowledge is required, carry it on your dominant side for improved critical thinking abilities. This is especially useful for those in managerial positions. To fully utilize this Chalcedony, immerse it in the energy of the Full Moon for a few hours and combine it with a concentrated meditation on your goal.

Focus and Clarity

Blue agate, sometimes referred to as a calming wave, is excellent in clearing the mind of distractions and mental congestion and provides a clear route to remove brain fog. Use incense, fragrance oil, or smudge sticks to incorporate smudging practices and reap the benefits of its mental acuity.

How To Use Blue Lace Agate:

How to use blue lace agate How to use blue lace agate

1. Meditate With It

To enhance your experience with any crystal, especially blue lace agate, meditation is key. Askinosie suggests a simple yet effective ritual for connecting with this gemstone:

Begin by settling into a comfortable position and taking a few deep breaths to clear your mind and energy field. Next, place the blue lace agate against the inside of your left wrist and hold it there with your right hand.

As you gently press the agate into your wrist, repeat the affirmation "I am enlightened, I am happy, I am calm” at least nine times. This repetitive mantra combined with the soothing energy of the blue lace agate helps to deepen your sense of calm and relaxation during meditation.

2. Balance Your Throat Chakra

Blue Agate is a great stone to align your throat chakra. blue lace agate in your left hand during meditation is helpful when working on the throat chakra because the left hand absorbs the energy of the crystal. Another useful method for meditating while lying down is to place the crystal, if it is small enough, at the base of your throat.

3. Home and Workplace

An effortless method to incorporate crystals into your daily life is by strategically placing them around your home for maximum benefit. Blue Agate, known as the caregiver's stone, can be particularly advantageous in areas where tranquility and improved communication are desired. As spiritual author Emma Mildon suggested, integrating blue lace agate into your space can amplify rejuvenation and harmonize the environment, enhancing the overall ambiance of your home. Consider dispersing blue lace agate crystals in various rooms to cultivate a serene atmosphere and promote a sense of well-being throughout your living space.

4. Blue Lace Agate Jewelry

Wearing the Blue Agate as jewelry has numerous benefits. You could wear it in various forms including the Blue Agate Ring, Blue Agate Pendant, Blue Agate Earrings, Blue Agate Necklace or the Blue Agate Bracelet. Pairing it with Sterling Silver Jewelry would add on to the benefits of the blue lace agate.


Blue agate has a gorgeous appearance and a serene presence which has the ability to add calm into your life. You could wear the Blue Agate Pendant or the Blue Agate Bracelet. At Rananjay Exports you could purchase the wholesale gemstone jewelry online.