Custom Engagement Ring Custom Engagement Rings


Why Should You Choose a Custom Engagement Ring? You are always given an option to choose from. The choice would be yours as to whether to choose one of the easily accessible engagement rings or a custom-made one. These are some of the arguments on why customizing is the superior option. The ability to create your Engagement Ring within your budget is the finest justification for doing so. You may have the precise pattern you've always wanted or have the gemstone that really speaks to you set in a metal that accentuates the natural beauty of your skin. Let's discuss them:

You Have the Chance to Replicate Another Ring that’s of Significance

If your significant other has a certain set of rings that you cannot afford. You could easily make another of these if you want to stick to a tight budget. It could be an engagement ring from a motion picture. Maybe you saw a ring style that you felt would be perfect for her. For those with sensitive skin, an alternate hypoallergenic metal imitation, like platinum or Sterling Silver Jewelry, can be used. If you would like your ring to be precisely customized, way and make it exactly.

You Can Choose Your Gemstone

A gemstone is the primary factor that drives up the cost of a Gemstone Ring. In most cases, the Gemstone costs more than the actual ring. You will profit more from personalising or customising your Gemstone rings if you are able to select the Gemstone. You can decide between committing to an expensive, rare Gemstone or a stunning one that is fairly priced. A jeweler will choose the ideal Gemstone size and suggest a design that stays within your budget. You are willing to pay if you don't make a concession on the ring's price, and doing so will also provide you the opportunity to buy your spouse the ring they desire.

Customizing Your Gemstone Ring Is Easier than You May Think

There is a prevalent misconception that creating a Custom Gemstone Ring is a difficult and involved process. It is actually a lot faster and easier than one might think to accomplish. Jewelers have been making jewelry by hand for many years. There won't be any differences between the process of producing a bespoke design and a conventional one. For both, the same methods and abilities are required. You don't need to be concerned that it will take too long or that it will involve a difficult procedure to finish.

Steps For Customising Your Engagement Ring

Steps for customising your engagement ring Steps for customising your engagement ring

Step 1: Choose The Shape of Your Gemstone

By now you could have some shapes regarding your engagement ring in your mind. What comes to mind when you consider your personal engagement ring? Is it a heart-shaped ring or a circular one? Fortunately, there are a lot of gorgeous options available to you. While there's no right or wrong answer here, remember that some shapes work better with certain combinations than others.

Although the heart shape is quite attractive, less people seem to be picking it. Additionally, it limits design alternatives because you can't use three-stone options, which just don't look right with a heart-shaped diamond. However, Rananjay Exports has some interesting heart-shaped engagement ring designs. At this point, round, oval, and cushion shapes are the most common. It is advisable to stay with these three classic and adaptable cuts unless you have a strong preference for a different shape.

One of the most popular shapes is the oval. The largest shapes are ovals, which give any engagement ring design a lovely vintage and artistic vibe. Fingers also appear longer due to the shape's extended length. The best luster and liveliness are found in cushions. They also offer the best value, with incredibly low costs considering what you're getting. You have complete freedom to choose whatever form appeals to you.

Step 2: Select a Simple Style

An engagement ring must have a foundation in the "bigger picture" style. Finding the ideal design picture is not necessary, but having a style that you appreciate helps your designer by framing the other aspects.

Right now, these three styles are the most in-demand:

Engagement ring styles known as solitaires have just one Gemstone featured in them. They're sophisticated, timeless, and a sure thing. A solitaire is loved by all. Recently, there has been an interesting trend where couples experiment with theme claws, such as floral themes. An elegant touch may truly elevate any solitaire.

A halo is only the Gemstone ring that surrounds the center stone. The main advantage of a halo is that it makes the center stone appear larger than it actually is. The halo gives the arrangement additional volume, which makes way for more intricate design elements to be placed beneath the center Gemstone.

Two identical side stones and a sizable center Precious Gemstone. This is sometimes called a "trinity style" when there is a great deal of symbolism. Larger Gemstones go better with trinities. These rings exude luxury and appear really pricey.

Step 3: Gemstone setting

Some recommend a powerful, airy Gemstone setting that is high. This seems more vintage; it was more common a few decades ago. The problem is that these settings might not be feasible in some professions because of how easily latex gloves snag onto the material. The most common height is definitely the lower version. It is usually a far more practical decision and fits in better with the overall style. A really low setting should be avoided as it also appears a little strange and crushed. Two appropriate endings are located at the same distance below in the spectrum of our Evaline design; The designer can ensure that the height is perfectly balanced by ensuring that the other elements have a nice balance.

Step 4: Top of Band View:

The band that encircles the finger of an engagement ring can be suitably formed into a wide variety of patterns, regardless of the basic design. Here, you truly do have some freedom.

The band genres that we design most often are;

Straight/Plain: The most well-liked band is this one. Particularly if the ring's remaining details are intricate. This is also your best option if you want a classic design because it doesn't take focus away from the primary Gemstone. It is tidy and devoid of distractions.

Split bands: The split band is a fantastic element that gives the ring a bit extra volume and complexity. It also contributes to the Gemstone's development both aesthetically and philosophically, making it the center of attention. It's a contemporary, clean, and remarkable feature.

Cross-Overs: Although polarizing, this aspect is nonetheless very common. This element gives the design some movement and is quite organic. A cross-over band might be an excellent choice if you're searching for an artistic touch.

Step 5: Side Band Profile

This is a sometimes overlooked element that has a big impact on how a design looks. It's one of those situations where the way a ring looks can actually make all the difference. Regretfully, the majority of novice designers merely glance at this. For higher settings and collets, a cathedral profile is advised. This function will make much-needed space if you're seeking for a specific detail, such as engraving on the side of your ring. This profile's softer side creates a wonderful middle ground. This creates a more elegant setting if you're drawn to height but feel a cathedral is too imposing. It also gives the side-view a lovely flow and refinement. Recently, a round shape has become increasingly fashionable for a modern, distinctive style.

Step 6: Setting Side View

This is the area that lies underneath and around the main Gemstone. This is where you and your designer may embellish a relatively blank canvas with details you desire. Not only are swirls and curves popular again, but so are surprisingly straightforward collets. Your Gemstone needs a secure place to rest, and you need something to keep everything together.

You Could Buy Engagement Ring In Grams

You could buy engagement ring in grams You could buy engagement ring in grams

Your engagement ring can cost a lot less if you buy it in grams. Because Engagement Rings are so important and should last a lifetime, you should select a reliable seller and ensure that the rings are of the finest quality. On the other hand, choosing the best quality is usually more expensive. You can remedy this by getting your engagement ring measured in grams. You would pay less as a result of this. Purchasing your ideal engagement ring at a reasonable price is now simpler.


Each gemstone offers the wearer an infinite number of advantages. There are several stones that can help you fall more deeply in love and forge stronger relationships with the people you love. The significance of engagement rings is held high; it is an epitome of your love. Since we at Rananjay Exports know how important your engagement ring is for you, we work hard to give you all the customization you need to have the Engagement Ring of your dreams.