Fishes are one of the oldest creatures to live on Earth – scientists claim that they have been living on this planet for the past 530 million years. There are 30,000 known species of fish, and potentially thousands more are yet to be found by scientists who claim that many of these species live deep within the ocean. These incredible sea creatures have had a significant role in various religions and cultures throughout history and they also have a mysterious connection with both – western astrology and Vedic astrology. In this blog, we are going to discuss the significance of fish across different religions and within astrology, post which we will tell you the fish ring benefits. We are also going to give you some basic tips on how to maintain and care for your fish ring – so stay tuned with us in this blog.
Significance of Fish Across Different Religions

Fish in Christianity: The Ichthys Symbol
Within Christianity, the fish symbol is known as ichthys and it is held in high regard by Christians. This symbol is most often found on tattoos, Bible covers, cars, and more, and other than the cross, it's one of the most recognizable symbols. The origin of the fish symbol is based on the Greek acronym for the phrase that is most famous among Christians, which is “Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior”. In Greek, this phrase is translated as Ίησοῦς Χριστός, Θεοῦ Υἱός, Σωτήρ’. When we take out the first letter from each word of this phrase, we get the word ‘ΙΧΘΥΣ’, which is the Greek word for “fish”. One interesting thing about the fish symbol is, that during times of persecution, early Christians used this symbol as a secret sign that would help them identify other believers.
Hinduism: Lord Vishnu’s Matsya Avatar
Within Hinduism, the first avatar of Lord Vishnu, who was Matsya avatar, is depicted as a giant fish. It is said that this particular avatar of Vishnu, or Matsya avatar, rescued the first man, Manu, from a great flood and downpour. This tale is similar to the flood myths that are found in different cultures, and in Hinduism, the Matsya avatar of Vishnu, in the form of a giant fish, is mentioned as the divine savior. This entire tale is mentioned in the Matsya Purana, which is the sacred text in Hinduism.
Buddhism: Fish as a Sign of Freedom and Abundance
In Buddhism, the image of two golden fish represents happiness, abundance, and freedom. This symbol is one of the Eight Auspicious Symbols that is found in Tibetan Buddhism, and the two golden fishes within this symbol showcase the ability to move freely without fear, just like the fish swims in water. Some philosophers have also said that this symbol has a deeper meaning ingrained in it, which Is, that the two fishes symbolize courage to navigate the ocean of suffering or samsara without any fear and anxiety.
How Fishes are Connected with Astrology

Fish’s Connection to the Water Element
Within astrology, fishes are strongly related to the element of water, the element that represents feelings, intuition, and the subconscious mind. Many astrologers claim that the ability of fish to effortlessly navigate through water symbolizes the fluid nature of emotions, feelings, and the depth of the psyche. Also, within astrology, the 12th House, that is Pisces, is symbolized by two fishes. This house represents the hidden aspects of life, the unconscious mind, spiritual transformation, and psychic abilities. It's interesting to note that just like fishes swim within the depths of the ocean, the 12th house deals with the unseen realms of existence and the depth of the subconscious.
Fishes in Vedic Astrology
In Vedic Astrology, which is the Indian system of astrology, fishes are associated with the planet Jupiter (also known as Brihaspati or Guru). This planet is considered a benefic planet representing divine wisdom, good fortune, abundance, and spiritual growth. Fishes are related to Jupiter because the Meen sign within Vedic astrology is ruled by the planet Jupiter.
Astrological Remedies Involving Fish

Wearing Fish Jewelry like Fish Rings & Fish Earrings
It is said that when an individual wears fish-shaped jewelry, like fish rings and fish earrings, it enhances the water element in their life. The prime benefits of wearing fish rings are they allow the wearer to balance his emotions, and they also attract good fortune in the wearer’s life.
Aquarium Placement
Within Vastu Shastra, which is the ancient Indian science of architecture and design, it is said that the placement of aquariums can be beneficial for a house or the inhabitants of that house. For instance, the placement of the aquarium having eight goldfish and one black fish in the North, East, and North-East corners of the house is considered the most auspicious, because it brings financial growth and success in career.
Feeding Fishes as Remedy
Feeding the fishes is a practice that is rooted in Hindu Astrology. It is done mainly because it pacifies the malefic effects of the shadow planet Rahu, which is the north node of the Moon and is associated with confusion and deception. Feeding the fish can mitigate the negativity brought by bad Saturn placements as well. It is recommended that you feed fish at sunrise or after sunset so as to get rid of your karmic debts.
Fish Ring Benefits: Why Should You Wear Them?

If you are planning to purchase fish rings, fish earrings, and other fish jewelry, then you will be surprised when you look at the numerous designs of fish jewelry that are being sold online. The most popular rings within fish jewelry are the silver fish rings and larimar fish rings. The silver fish rings are made out of pure 925 sterling silver, and they are not set with any gemstones, while the larimar fish rings feature larimar gemstones and are generally made in sterling silver settings. Below are the benefits of silver fish rings and larimar fish rings:
Silver Fish Ring Benefits
The most prominent silver fish ring benefits are that it sharpens concentration and focus, offers mental clarity, and enables the wearer to make better decisions. This is because the silver metal has the moon’s influence – it brings about tranquilness and calmness in the wearer, enabling him to act wiser and think deeply about his future plans. Also, in Vedic Astrology, silver is associated with Venus, which is why silver fish rings are said to attract financial opportunities for the wearer and reduce monetary worries in the wearer’s life.
Larimar Fish Ring Benefits
It is said that larimar fish rings alleviate emotional stress and they reduce fear, anxiousness, tension, and depression. Also, people who wear fish rings set with larimar report that it unblocks their throat chakra, helping them think better thoughts and communicate their inner truths with full clarity and belief. Last, but not least, it is said that larimar boosts immunity, and the cooling energies of larimar fish rings can aid in reducing inflammation and mild fevers.
Maintaining and Caring for Your Fish Rings

Below are some instructions to maintain and care for your fish rings:
Cleaning Your Fish Ring
- Create a cleaning solution using a few drops of mild, detergent-free soap which is mixed in lukewarm water.
- Soak your fish ring in this solution for 3-4 minutes so as to loosen dirt, oil, and grime.
- Use a soft toothbrush and gently brush the ring, including the gemstone (like larimar) and the setting to remove any remaining dirt.
- Rinse the fish ring thoroughly with warm water in order to remove all soap residue.
- Pat dry the ring with a soft towel and allow the ring to air dry once you wipe all moisture.
Specific Care for Silver Fish Ring
- If your silver fish ring gets tarnished, then gently polish it with a silver cloth.
- For stubborn tarnish, you can use a paste of baking soda and water. Apply this paste on the silver fish ring with a soft cloth. Once the tarnish is removed, rinse and dry the ring thoroughly.
- If you wish to use special jewelry cleaners that are designed only for sterling silver, then ensure that you follow the product instructions carefully. Never use these cleaners on the surface of the gemstones, as they can permanently damage the stone.
General Care Tips for Fish Rings
- Always remember to remove your fish ring when you are exposing yourself to activities that involve chemicals, like doing the dishes, swimming, or applying cosmetics.
- Also, avoid wearing your fish ring during activities that could cause abrasion or impact to the ring – this is very important if your ring has a soft gemstone set in it.
- Get your fish ring professionally cleaned and inspected periodically in order to ensure that the gemstone setting is secure.
We hope that you learn a lot about fish and fish rings from this blog. If you want to purchase fish rings and other fish jewelry, then you do not need to worry much – there are countless websites online that sell them. Within these websites, you can find starfish rings, sea horse rings, jellyfish rings, and a wide variety of other rings incorporating different types of fish in their design. However, when you try purchasing these rings at wholesale prices, you encounter a problem – there are very few wholesale gemstone jewelry manufacturers that deal in fish rings.
We, Rananjay Exports, are one such wholesaler who deals in rings incorporating fish designs. Many of our designs of fish earrings and rings also feature healing gemstones like larimar, turquoise, moonstone, lapis lazuli, labradorite, and opal. All these different varieties of wholesale gemstone jewelry can be easily found within our sea life jewelry collection, which is made out of pure 925 sterling silver. So, purchase silver fish rings from Rananjay Exports, and if you want to check out our most popular collections, browse through our zodiac sign jewelry collection, and chakra jewelry collection.