Do you know the name of the gemstone that was used in ancient Rome to bring prophetic dreams during sleep? Well, it was none other than peach moonstone. This is the same stone that gained massive popularity in the 1980s when the New Age movement was at its peak. In this blog, we are going to discuss the various healing benefits that peach moonstone rings offer. We will also elaborate on some ways to cleanse and charge these gemstone rings. So, without further ado, let us begin our quest by understanding the specifics of this particular moonstone variety.
What is Peach Moonstone?

Peach moonstone, a gemstone belonging to the feldspar mineral family, is a gemstone known for its tan-brown to very light peach/pink colors. The key characteristic trait that differentiates peach moonstone from other moonstone varieties is its soft, warm coloration, which is easier to identify under direct sunlight. Most of the gem-grade peach moonstone is mined primarily in Madagascar, and other than its use in gemstone jewelry, you see palm stones, obelisks, tumbled stones, and figurines made out of peach moonstone.
Mineral Composition of Peach Moonstone
- Chemical Formula: (Na,K)AlSi3O8
- Mineral Family: Belonging to the feldspar group, it is a variety of orthoclase feldspar
- Main Constituent: Potassium aluminum silicate with sodium
- Trace Elements: Manganese, which contributes to the peach coloration of this gemstone.
Physical Properties of Peach Moonstone
Below are the physical properties of this stone:
- Color: Generally, ranges from pale peach to deep pink due to the presence of manganese and other tiny inclusions
- Transparency: Most often, it is translucent, allowing a little bit of light to pass through; however, transparency levels vary from specimen to specimen.
- Luster: Ranges from vitreous (glass-like) to pearly, giving the stone a soft, glowing appearance.
- Hardness: Ranks between 6 and 6.5 on the Moh’s scale. Thus, you can say that the stone is relatively durable for everyday wear.
- Specific Gravity: 2.56 to 2.63 (this indicates the density of this stone compared to water)
- Crystal System: Monoclinic
- Cleavage: Perfect along two directions, meaning this stone can easily split along two planes.
- Fracture: Conchoidal to uneven
- Refractive Index: 1.518 to 1.535
Healing Powers of Peach Moonstone Rings

Peach moonstone rings are used by crystal enthusiasts all over the world for their healing powers. In Feng Shui, which is the Chinese practice of energy work, it is recommended to wear these rings when the wearer is facing a lot of difficulties and emotional turmoil. Let us discuss some of the different benefits that you can expect when you wear these gemstone rings.
Physical Benefits of Wearing Peach Moonstone Rings
- Energy: This stone is said to boost vitality and vigor. You can wear it in the form of jewelry if you want to combat chronic fatigue, boost energy levels, and relieve restlessness.
- Reproduction: Wearing peach moonstone rings strengthens the reproduction system of women, easing the conception of a child and improving fertility. These rings can also be worn if you want to ease your childbirth because this gemstone stimulates gentle but strong contractions.
- Skin: Peach moonstone jewelry, such as a peach moonstone pendant, is excellent when you have skin allergies – it decreases sensitivity to the allergen that causes the rash and soothes the skin. Other than this, you can use it to treat insect bites, acne, and cellulitis.
- Digestive System: Wearing these rings can help with constipation, regulate water retention within the intestines, and alleviate general digestive disorders like diarrhea, food poisoning, and acidity.
- Detoxification: Peach moonstone gemstone rings detoxify the body by assisting with filtering and clearing harmful toxins, and this is why these rings help in losing weight, improving the complexion of skin, and boosting immunity levels.
Spiritual Benefits of Wearing Peach Moonstone Rings
- Wisdom and Guidance: These rings make the wearer wiser and provide them soul-level guidance by giving them spiritual insights and helping them understand higher universal truths. These rings also give the wearer access to angelic intelligence, and they raise the spiritual awareness of the wearer by improving his connection with the other side of the veil.
- Communication: Peach moonstone rings facilitate the wearer’s communication with divine beings like archangels, earth angels, spirit guides, and druids. These rings also allow the wearer to tap into higher levels of psychic awareness where they can access various Clair abilities like clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.
- Protection: This stone is excellent for warding off malefic influences and negativity. This is why rings made of this stone are worn by people who want physical safety and security. Not only does wearing these rings protect the wearer from injuries and accidents, but it also offers them psychic protection by shielding their aura against evil entities.
- Dreams: Peach moonstone jewelry has a mystical energy that guides the wearer with prophetic dreams, and thus, the wearer is able to predict future events by receiving guidance from this jewelry. Also, wearing this jewelry improves dream recall and promotes lucid dreaming by improving the connection of the conscious mind with the subconscious.
Cleansing and Charging Your Peach Moonstone Ring

Crystal healers suggest that peach moonstone is a highly sensitive stone that picks up the energies present in the surrounding environment very easily, and thus, this stone needs to be regularly cleansed and charged if you wish to receive all its healing benefits. Below are some of the ways that you can employ to cleanse and charge rings set with peach moonstone:
- Sound: The easiest way to cleanse and charge peach moonstone rings is by using sound. All you have to do here is use Tibetan bells, tuning forks, or a singing bowl to create a deep, vibrational tone that would neutralize the negative energy that the stone has absorbed and recharge it with fresh, positive energy. Playing the sound for about 15-20 minutes would renew the ring and charge it completely.
- Full Moon: You can also charge your gemstone ring with the powerful lunar energies of the moon. Here, you need to place your ring on the windowsill during a full moon day and leave it as it is overnight. The ring will absorb the powerful energies of the moon and dispel any negative energies that the stone might have absorbed. But remember to retrieve the ring in the morning soon after sunrise – if the sun gets too high in the sky, its light can damage the ring.
So, now that you know the various healing benefits of wearing peach moonstone rings, you must be pretty excited to get one for yourself. There are numerous e-commerce websites that deal in peach moonstone jewelry, which is why choosing one such ring for yourself is a cakewalk. However, if you are searching for a wholesale gemstone jewelry supplier who deals in these rings and sells them at reasonable wholesale prices, then things get a little bit tough. But don’t worry!
We, Rananjay Exports, are one of India’s biggest jewelry suppliers, and other than peach moonstone rings, we deal in gemstone rings in more than 200+ gemstones, all of which are natural and ethically sourced. All the jewelry we sell is made in pure 925 sterling silver, and is available to retailers worldwide. The best part of our jewelry is it gets shipped via Express shipping, which is why it will reach your doorstep in no time. You can begin browsing our website by checking out the bestselling wholesale gemstone jewelry collections, some of which are the Chakra jewelry collection and Birthstone jewelry collection.