Petrified Wood Rings Petrified Wood Rings

Do you want a ring that features a gemstone as old as the dinosaur? If yes, then you must have a look at petrified wood rings. Petrified wood is a fossilized gemstone whose origins can be traced back to the Mesozoic Era and Paleozoic Era, an era about 250 to 66 million years ago. The most famous location where you can find this beautiful gemstone is the Petrified Forest National Park, which is located in northeastern Arizona, USA – this National Park is spread over 346 square miles at an elevation of 5,000 feet above sea level.

In this blog, we are going to discover the different healing benefits you can expect as you wear petrified wood rings, along with some cleansing and charging tips and tricks. So, let us begin and first cover the basics of what petrified wood is.

What is Petrified Wood?

What is Petrified Wood What is Petrified Wood

Petrified wood is nothing but fossilized remains of terrestrial vegetation that has undergone the process of permineralization, which turned it into a gemstone. In this process, plant material gets buried under sediment, where it is protected from decay because of a lack of oxygen and the absence of microorganisms. When groundwater rich in dissolved solids like silica and calcite flows through the sediment, it replaces the original plant material and turns it into the fossil of the original woody material. This fossil often displays details of wood, bark, and cellular plant structures. The reason why petrified wood is used as a gemstone is because it showcases beautiful colors and unique patterns, and when polished, it has an attractive shine.

Mineral Composition of Petrified Wood

Although the mineral composition of petrified wood varies from specimen to specimen, some of the most common minerals that form this gemstone are as follows:

    1. Silica Minerals: Chalcedony, quartz, and opal are some of the most common minerals found in petrified wood.
    2. Calcite: At times, calcite replaces the fossilized remains during the formation of this gemstone, and this results in altogether different colors and textures.
    3. Pyrite: When pyrite is present in petrified wood, it gives this gemstone a metallic, gold-like appearance.

Physical Properties of Petrified Wood

Below are the physical properties of this gemstone:

      • Hardness: On the Moh’s Scale of Mineral Hardness, it ranges between 6.5 and 7
      • Specific Gravity: Often between 2.550 and 2.700
      • Luster: Can vary from vitreous (or glass-like) to greasy
      • Transparency: Generally opaque, although some specimens do showcase mild translucency
      • Colors: Displays a wide range of colors, like brown, black, red, green, yellow, and blue
      • Fracture: Granular to conchoidal

Wearing Petrified Wood Rings: What Healing Benefits to Expect?

Petrified Wood Rings Healing Benefits Petrified Wood Rings Healing Benefits

Many people nowadays believe that crystals, like crystal quartz, and tourmaline, have healing properties in them, and when used in the form of jewelry, they can greatly benefit the mind, body, and soul. There are a wide variety of crystals out in this world, each with a different benefit – and petrified wood is one such crystal that offers a range of healing benefits. Below are some of the physical healing benefits and spiritual healing benefits that you can expect from petrified wood rings:

Physical Healing Benefits of Wearing Petrified Wood Rings

        1. Cellular Regeneration: It’s a known fact that radiation from electronic devices, along with electronic smog caused by the transmission of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and mobile signals, brings about cellular damage in the human body. It has been observed by crystal healers that wearing petrified wood rings reverses this damage and aids in cell regeneration. Also, this gemstone slows down the aging of cells and enables its users to live longer healthier lives.
        2. Healing of DNA: Many psychics and mediums claim that DNA carries emotional and energetic imprints, along with the trauma imprints of an individual’s ancestors, which is why it affects the well-being of the individual. These people in the spiritual community recommend the use of petrified wood jewelry for healing the DNA. How does it work? Well, petrified wood releases negative imprints, such as that of pain, anxiety, and depression, that are stored in your DNA, and it also changes the energetic field of the DNA, thus healing it back to normal.
        3. Skeletal System: This gemstone ring is also beneficial for the skeletal system – it has been believed that wearing a petrified wood ring heals your hip and back problems, fixes ailments related to the backbone, and strengthens the bones by increasing vitamin D and calcium absorption in the body.
        4. Nervous System: These rings also help in the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases, and they improve memory by facilitating healthy brain functioning.

Spiritual Healing Benefits of Wearing Petrified Wood Rings

          1. Spirits: Since petrified wood is closely linked to Mother Gaya and nature, it’s believed that you can communicate with earth angels, fairies, and other nature spirits if you meditate on this crystal’s energies while wearing it in the form of a ring.
          2. Wisdom: People in the New Age community claim that this stone offers the wisdom and knowledge of ancient civilizations, like the Atlantean civilization and the Lemurian civilization. Tap into the ancient wisdom stored in this stone by wearing it in the form of a petrified wood ring.
          3. Spiritual Realms: With the aid of this ring, you can connect with the higher realms, like the angelic realms, and get assistance from your spirit team residing on the other side. Some say that wearing it in the form of a ring can help you channel information from the other side of the veil where deep spiritual truths and hidden knowledge reside.
          4. Grounding: You can use petrified wood rings to get in touch with the grounding energies of Earth and release fear, stress, and anxiety that come as a result of a fast-paced lifestyle.

Professional Tips for Cleansing and Charging Your Petrified Wood Ring

Cleansing and Charging Your Petrified Wood Ring Petrified Wood Rings Cleansing and Charging

It’s essential that as you use your petrified wood ring, you keep it free from negative energy and low vibrational energy. Below are some of the ways of cleansing and charging these rings:

            1. Running Water: In this method, all you have to do is hold your gemstone ring under the faucet for about a minute or two – the running water will cleanse and charge your ring. If you have access to natural sources of water, like a spring or fountain, use them instead, as these sources work the best. Once you are done with the cleansing and charging ritual, pat dry the jewelry with a soft towel so as to remove moisture.
            2. Smudging: You can even use smudging techniques to remove negative energy and dense vibrations from your petrified wood ring. All you have to do here is light up some sage, Palo Santo, or incense stick and wave the ring through the smoke for a minute or two.
            3. Crystal Charger: Many spiritual shops sell tools that can help you cleanse and charge your gemstone jewelry. Some of the common crystal chargers available at these shops include crystal grids, selenite plates, and pyramids. In this method, you need to leave your ring near the crystal charger overnight so the healing energy of the petrified wood set in your ring gets replenished.


Now that you know the healing benefits of petrified wood jewelry and some interesting ways to cleanse and charge this stone, it is time that you purchase this jewelry and let its magic work wonders for you. There are many E-commerce websites and marketplaces that deal in petrified wood rings, which is why it’s very easy to purchase them, however, when you want to purchase them at wholesale rates, things get a little bit complicated.

Very few wholesalers deal in this gemstone jewelry, and it’s very hard to find these wholesalers online. One such wholesaler that deals in rings and other jewelry featuring petrified wood is Rananjay Exports. At Rananjay, we deal in a wide variety of 925 sterling silver jewelry, and we take pride in being India’s biggest wholesale gemstone jewelry supplier. Other than petrified wood, we deal in 250+ other gemstones, all of which are natural and ethically sourced. If you are a new user, start by browsing our birthstone jewelry collection, and zodiac sign jewelry collection – these are some of the bestselling collections on our website.