Are you looking for rare gemstone rings? Why don’t you glance at shattuckite rings? The shattuckite stone is rarer than turquoise and is often used as an alternative to turquoise. This stone, often known as “the stone of truth,” was found just a century ago, in the early 1900s, by W.T. Schaller. Schaller discovered this stone in Shattuck Mine situated in Arizona, USA – what’s interesting here is that this mine was the only producer of this stone until 2003. In this blog, we are going to talk about shattuckite rings – we will discuss how you can choose the finest shattuckite shade and best stone cut as you purchase these rings. Let us get into it by first understanding what shattuckite is.
What Is Shattuckite?

Shattuckite is a rare copper gemstone of the semi-precious category that resembles a lot to turquoise, malachite, and chrysocolla. Often known by the name “Lunazul,” the color of this stone can range from cobalt blue to dark navy blue, and the density of this stone is sort of high for a mineral that does not possess metallic elements. Because of its resemblance to turquoise, this gemstone is often used as an alternative December birthstone, and it also serves as the zodiac stone for all water signs and earth signs.
Mineral Composition of Shattuckite
This mineral is composed of:
- Copper (Cu)
- Silicon (Si)
- Oxygen (O)
- Hydrogen (H)
The mineral’s structure is basically copper ions bonded together with hydroxyl groups and silicate chains. The chemical formula of this mineral is Cu5(SiO3)4(OH)2.
Physical Properties of Shattuckite
Below are some of the physical properties of this gemstone:
- Luster: Vitreous (or glass-like) to silky
- Crystal System: Orthorhombic
- Hardness: Ranges between 3.5 and 4 on the Moh’s Scale
- Specific Gravity: 4.1
- Crystal habit: Generally, forms acicular (meaning needle-like), fibrous, or massive aggregates
- Cleavage: Perfect along 010 and 100
- Fracture: Uneven
How is Shattuckite Formed?
Shattuckite is a secondary mineral that is formed as a result of the oxidation of copper deposits. In this process, first, the weathering and oxidation of copper sulfide minerals like bornite and chalcopyrite takes place. Then, this oxidized copper interacts with fluids permeating in silica-rich rocks in semi-arid and arid environments. Lastly, the resultant mineral gets crystallized, forming the Shattuckite mineral.
Choosing the Finest Shattuckite Shade for Your Shattuckite Ring

Ideal Shattuckite Color
Shattuckite’s color can range from blue to blue-green, but the ideal color of this stone that you should aim for is deep azure to cobalt blue. If you cannot get this color, you can even opt for the stone having a vibrant turquoise to teal color. Both these colors within shattuckite rings are highly prized by jewelry enthusiasts. Below are some details about the color of shattuckite stone:
- Hue: Generally, this stone has a primary blue color with secondary green undertones. The most appealing and valuable shattuckite specimens showcase a pure, intense blue coloration.
- Saturation: You should opt for a stone showing vivid, rich color saturation, as they are more visually appealing.
- Patterns: Some inclusions improve the appearance of shattuckite stone because they end up creating interesting patterns. For instance, a shattuckite ring having bright inclusions of malachite, azurite, or chrysocolla can make the ring look mesmerizing, thereby increasing its value.
Tips for Choosing a Shattuckite Ring Having the Right Color
- Personal Preference: When purchasing a ring, opt for a shattuckite stone whose color resonates with your personality. Also, ensure that the stone color complements your skin tone and the outfit you are wearing it with.
- Avoid Unattractive Hues: Be wary of selecting a stone with unappealing hues – steer away from stones that display prominent brown, black, or white colors, as these colors decrease the stone’s beauty and value.
- Consider Uniqueness: As you purchase a shattuckite ring, you can select a stone that has interesting patterns and color variations, which make it one-of-a-kind. But do so only if the stone appeals to you.
Choosing The Right Cut for Your Shattuckite Ring

In rings, as well as in any jewelry, the shattuckite stone is generally set as a cabochon. Cabochons have a smooth, rounded top, and they are excellent for showing this stone’s colors and unique patterns. Let us talk about why cabochon cuts are preferred for shattuckite rings.
Why Cabochon Cuts are Preferred in Shattuckite Rings
- Hardness: Shattuckite is a relatively soft stone as its hardness ranges between 3.5 and 4 on the Moh’s Scale. This is why faceting this stone is extremely difficult, and the only cutting options for this stone are cabochons and beads.
- Durability: This stone has perfect cleavage, which means that it can easily get damaged from strong bumps and knocks. This is why you need to choose a cabochon-cut stone with a protective setting, like the bezel setting or half bezel setting, when getting a shattuckite ring.
- Patterns and Inclusions: You will find your shattuckite stone displaying interesting patterns due to the presence of mineral inclusions, like malachite or chrysocolla. The cabochon cut works best when you want to highlight these patterns within any shattuckite jewelry.
Tips for Selecting the Right Shattuckite Cabochon
- If you are going for a custom-made gemstone ring, the jeweler will show you shattuckite cabochons in various sizes. Choose the size that fits your design preference. This means that you should select a bigger-sized cabochon if you want a statement ring, and you should select a smaller-sized cabochon if you want a minimalistic ring.
- Always examine the quality of cabochons before you buy them. Ensure that your cabochon is even, possesses the ideal color, and has an attractive polish.
- Always check if the cabochon you are purchasing has any treatments or not. Often, shattuckite cabochons are treated with resin or epoxy in order to improve their durability and stability.
Now that you know the desirable stone color and cut, you can purchase the most appealing shattuckite ring for yourself. Are you looking for sellers who deal in these rings? You need not worry about this: you will find plenty of sellers on websites like Etsy and Amazon who deal in shattuckite jewelry, and you can even find dedicated E-commerce stores that will ship your desired ring straight to your doorstep. Lastly, if you are a retailer, and searching for these rings at reasonable wholesale rates, you can explore our website.
Who are we? We are Rananjay Exports, India’s biggest wholesale gemstone jewelry supplier, and we supply gemstone rings (as well as other gemstone jewelry) in more than 200+ different gemstones. All these gemstones are authentic and ethically sourced, and most of our jewelry is crafted in pure 925 sterling silver. We deal in a wide variety of shattuckite pendants, rings, earrings, and bracelets, so check out our entire shattuckite jewelry collection. If you want to explore our bestselling 925 sterling silver jewelry, you can explore the birthstone jewelry collection, and chakra jewelry collection at our website.