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Star Amethyst Jewelry

Star Amethyst Jewelry

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Flawless Star Amethyst Jewelry – The Gem of Fire

Amethyst is a variety of quartz. The stunning violet color of amethyst… Looks great, doesn’t it? But have you ever thought about where the rich purple color of amethyst comes from? This color is due to irradiation, impurities of iron, and in rare cases, due to the presence of transition metals or other trace elements, which results in a complex crystal lattice substitution. The hardness of Amethyst is roughly the same as quartz, and not only do many jewelers worldwide yearn for it, but they also make beautiful pieces of jewelry using this purple crystal.

Throughout history, Star Amethyst has been considered a highly-priced stone because of its beauty and metaphysical powers– such as the ability to soothe the mind and emotions. Did you know that Star Amethyst is the birthstone of February? Yes, it is. And because this stone is associated with February, it is dedicated to the planet Neptune, the God who rules the Waters. It is also the stone for St. Valentine as it represents faithful love. Have you ever noticed the crystal in its raw, natural form? Well, if you have observed this crystal in its raw natural state, you must have felt that it is magnificent! You do not need to polish this crystal as tumble stones or facet it into appealing jewelry, so it becomes praiseworthy. This stone looks beautiful even in its raw natural form, which is quite rare when compared to other crystals, and you cannot see this appeal in the case of most crystals. Probably, this is why this stone was known as the “Gem of Fire” in ancient times.

Do you know what Ancient Greeks used to say about Amethyst? They said that this gem could prevent intoxication. And the use of Amethyst is not limited to the Greeks; even the ancient Egyptians used it. Star Amethyst was used by the Egyptian civilization in antiquity for intaglio engraved gems. Medieval European soldiers, too, used amethyst. They wore it as an amulet for protection that could heal them in battle and make them cool-headed warriors.

Star amethyst can be found in the primary hues of light lavender or pale violet to deep purple. Some star amethysts also showcase secondary hues of red and blue. If you plan to buy high-quality amethyst, ensure it is from Siberia, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Uruguay, and the Far East.

The Genuine Star Amethyst Jewellery by Rananjay Exports

Star Amethyst’s metaphysical properties are known from ancient ages. Many psychics claim that amethyst withholds an extraordinary power within it - the primary virtue being its ability of preventing drunkenness and overindulgence. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans had studded goblets of amethyst, and they believed that drinking wine from amethyst would never intoxicate them. They were convinced by the healing powers of amethyst – so much so that they wore amethyst at the navel, believing that this had a sobering effect that would also control their over-zealous passions. Catholic bishops, too, wore Amethyst rings so it could aid them in protecting themselves from mystical intoxications, and they firmly believed that kissing the ring could ground them in spiritual thought.

If you are planning to buy amethyst jewelry but are a little confused and need a slight nudge to push you in that direction, then read the metaphysical benefits of amethyst – this will convince you that you are buying the right crystal for your retail shop. Some of the metaphysical benefits of Amethyst are as follows.

Amethyst is considered to be a natural tranquilizer. It is a calming and soothing crystal, assisting the transmission of neural signals in the brain. Do you feel that your thoughts are persistent and unwanted, and you have compulsive or ritualistic behavior to get rid of your thoughts? Don’t worry; star amethyst jewelry is here for the rescue! It is believed that star amethyst jewelry can relieve obsessions, so much so that people have reported that it cured their obsessive-compulsive disorder. It is also said to cure hyperactivity in children. Is your child suffering from nightmares, or are you having sleep-related troubles, such as insomnia? Place star amethyst jewelry or tumble stone under the pillow of the person having such troubles and see its magic! It will cure your insomnia, stimulating pleasant dreams. It also helps children overcome the fear of the dark.

Along with mindfulness meditation, yoga has become popular in the West too. Even the ancient practices of energy healing, use of crystals, and reiki are not being looked at as spiritual woo-woo stuff, but from a fresh perspective of “let’s try this and let me be the judge of whether something is true or not.” All these practices – be it yoga, energy healing, reiki, or the use of crystals – uses amethyst. Let’s talk about yoga. Yoga says that there are seven major chakra points inside the human body, and if any chakra is unbalanced, it will result in physical, mental, and spiritual ailments. It is said that Star Amethyst jewelry balances and aligns the third eye chakra and the crown chakra. The third eye chakra is the center of our perception and command, and the crown chakra is the gateway to the universe which is beyond our body.

The high vibrations of star amethyst jewelry is said to make one embody more humility, with the highest levels of self-illumination and access to spiritually enlightening downloads. So, wear star amethyst jewelry and surrender to all that is, which is greater than the self. If you have keen interest in working with crystals and gemstones for aligning and balancing your chakras, then do check out our chakra jewelry. Our assorted chakra jewelry collection has 7 different gemstones for the 7 major chakra centres present inside the human body.

Buying Through Rananjay Exports: The Best Gemstone Jewellery Wholesalers in India

Rananjay Exports is a wholesale jewellery manufacturer and supplier based in India, leading the gemstone jewelry industry since 2013. Wholesale Star Amethyst jewellery at Rananjay Exports can be easily shopped on our online store. We have a wide collection of star amethyst rings, star amethyst earrings, and star amethyst pendants. Shopping with us has other benefits as well. Some of them are, redeemable reward points (that can be redeemed at will), free shipping over the purchase of $499, attractive quality discounts, and 100% return or exchange in case there is some sort of manufacturing defect or shipping damage.

All our jewelry conforms to the set industry standards as we use authentic gemstones and pure 925 sterling silver. And our jewelleries are not limited just to star amethyst, we deal in a wide variety of gemstones (250+, to be specific). Some of the gemstones available in our online store are: Chrysoprase, Smoky, Rhodonite, Green Onyx, Larimar, and Malachite. If you have any concerns, either mail us at or call/text us at (+91) 9116124275.

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