Shungite Shungite

What is Shungite?

Shungite is a unique and uncommon mineral that is mostly found in Russia; its estimated age is two billion years. Shungite is distinguished by its distinct makeup, which includes fullerenes, an uncommon form of carbon. These fullerenes have amazing healing qualities that help the body fight against UV ray damage to the skin and also help to reduce inflammation. Standing for millennia of wisdom, Shungite is a powerful force in the crystal world because of its ancient beginnings. In addition, its unusual look and stunning black color make it a fascinating subject for wellness seekers as well as crystal fans.

Shungite stones are said to have medicinal qualities; they are said to defend against radiation, cleanse bad energy, and purify drinking water. Shungite is said to remove germs, bacteria, and viruses from water because of its special structure and carbon content. Notwithstanding these assertions, there is not enough proof to back up shungite's effectiveness in enhancing health, reducing stress, or providing electromagnetic field (EMF) shielding. Shungite stones are categorised as mineraloids, or carbon-mineral hybrids, as opposed to crystals. Fullerenes are groups of carbon atoms that make up these stones. For its numerous benefits you could wear the Shungite Jewelry.

Natural shungite exhibits a variety of textures and shapes, typically presenting in black or dark-gray hues with occasional metallic reflections. The distinctiveness of these stones may appeal to individuals mindful of their health and well-being. You could wear the alluring Shungite as a Shungite Ring, Shungite Pendant, Shungite Earrings, Shungite Necklace, or as Shungite Bracelet.

Healing Properties

Healing properties Shungite Healing properties

The claimed health benefits of shungite are currently supported by a paucity of scientific evidence; many claims are based only on anecdotal evidence or necessitate more thorough investigation. Shungite contains fullerenes, which are a type of carbon nanostructure. These CNSs represent several physical forms of carbon. According to a review of research published in 2017, CNSs have the ability to destroy infections' cell membranes in order to eradicate them. Furthermore, microorganisms lose electrons as a result of their interaction with CNSs, which ultimately causes them to perish. The effects of this occurrence on human health are still unclear, though. To clarify the precise pathways by which the fullerenes in shungite can affect infections, more research is required.

Shungite has been used historically to purify water because of its supposed ability to combat bacteria and viruses. According to a 2018 study, shungite can filter water by getting rid of organic materials like pesticides and other pollutants. In a similar vein, a 2017 study suggests that radioactive substances can be extracted from water by the carbon concentration of shungite. A 2017 study on animals revealed that shungite has antioxidant qualities.

Mice exposed to UVB radiation for two days developed skin damage and reactive oxygen species-induced oxidative stress. Following a 7-day application of a shungite solution to the injured skin, ROS generation was decreased and antioxidant enzyme activity was increased. Even while these results are promising, it's important to remember that the study was limited to mice. Additional research is necessary to ascertain shungite's antioxidant efficacy for humans.

In the animal study mentioned above from 2017, shungite was observed to possess inflammation-reducing properties. The study revealed diminished levels of inflammatory markers, including cytokines, which are proteins associated with inflammation. Based on this finding, researchers speculated on the potential utility of shungite for inflammatory ailments. Nonetheless, further research is warranted to validate these claims. Traditionally, water infused with shungite has been utilized for various purposes such as addressing allergies, sore throats, asthma, gastric issues, arthritis, kidney problems, liver problems, gallbladder issues, autoimmune disease, pancreatic dysfunction, and chronic fatigue.

Theoretically, it is postulated that if shungite indeed exhibits antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics, it could potentially alleviate symptoms associated with these conditions. However, empirical research in this domain is limited, and there is presently no clinical evidence to substantiate the notion that shungite-infused water effectively treats these ailments. Therefore, it is advisable to adhere to conventional medical treatment protocols as a safer course of action.

Users of shungite say the stone has the ability to shield you from EMF emissions. Many people refer to an old 2003 studyTrusted Source, where shungite reportedly protected rats against electromagnetic irradiation. Yet, the study is outdated and only involves animals. This phenomenon has some support theoretically, but more research is needed to see if there’s any benefit for humans. According to anecdotal reports, Shungite is helpful for relieving stress. It’s believed to soak up negative energy and balance emotions. Shungite has numerous benefits and can be worn as the Shungite Jewelry.

How To Cleanse Shungite?

How To Cleanse Shungite How To Cleanse Shungite

Cleaning your Shungite crystal is a breeze, my fellow crystal enthusiast! Here are some straightforward steps to maintain the freshness of your Shungite:

    • Take a bath: Just as we cleanse ourselves with a bath, you can immerse your Shungite crystal in water for a refreshing cleanse. To add a delightful twist, consider using water infused with sunlight or moonlight to provide your Shungite rings with an extra dose of revitalization. It's akin to treating your crystal to a spa day amidst the rejuvenating vibes of nature.
    • Soak up the sunshine: Shungite thrives in sunlight, so allow it to absorb some rays for a thorough cleansing and recharge. However, exercise caution and avoid leaving it in direct sunlight for extended periods, as Shungite may become a tad sunburned!
    • Accept nature: Shungite grows best in natural environments, so think about burying it for a few days in sand or soil. This enables your crystal to take in natural energies and establish a connection with its earthly roots.
    • Harmonize with sound: Purify your Shungite crystal using sound waves. Use a singing bowl, a bell, or just clap your hands in front of the crystal to release any residual negativity and create pleasant vibrations.
    • Trust your gut: Have faith in your inner wisdom! Follow your intuition and cleanse your Shungite crystal in a way that feels right for you if you feel that it needs more attention. Purification by water, sound, sunlight, or dirt burial should be given first priority.


Shungite is a dark hue stone infused with protective properties. You could wear this stone in various forms including Shungite Ring, Shungite Pendant, Shungite Earrings, Shungite Necklace, or the Shungite Bracelet. Pair it with the 925 sterling silver which complements well the dark hues of the Shungite. At Rananjay Exports you could purchase the alluring Shungite Jewelry and experience the magical essence of this stone.