Types of Turquoise Types of Turquoise


Turquoise jewelry is your best friend if you wish to explore the breathtaking allure of the sky and the sea. What is turquoise? Basically, it is a mineral of copper and aluminum-rich phosphate which is loved for its uses in the field of jewelry making. Although there are many types of turquoise stones, it is mainly of six types –normal turquoise, copper turquoise, oyster turquoise, Tibetan turquoise, Purple Mojave turquoise, and green copper turquoise. It does not matter whether you are seeking turquoise for its healing properties or you want to opt for turquoise jewelry because you are mesmerized by its beauty, turquoise is a captivating stone to be worn and used.

With the help of this blog, we will take a deep dive into the different types of turquoise stones and their healing properties, but first, let us explore what turquoise is.

What is Turquoise?

What is Turquoise What is Turquoise

Turquoise is an opaque, green-to-blue mineral that is a hydrous phosphate of aluminum and copper. Since it is a hydrous phosphate, if you dip turquoise in water or any similar liquid, it will absorb the liquid. On the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, turquoise ranks between five and six, just below quartz stone. It is a porous mineral and its occurrence is rare in nature. Most of the gem-grade turquoise is either found in host rocks, or in nodule deposits. In these deposits, it exists either as shallow crusts or veins.

Many of the turquoise found in the market possess vein-like strands running across the surface of the stone. These vein-like strands are known as “matrixes”. These veins or patches called matrixes are nothing but remnants of the host rock within which turquoise is formed. Matrixes tend to influence the color and durability of the stone.

In mineralogy, turquoise is classified as a secondary mineral. What are secondary minerals? Well, primary minerals are formed during the crystallization process and secondary minerals are a result of the later weathering process of primary minerals.

The name “turquoise” is derived from the French word for “Turkish” because this stone was transported through Turkey to Europe before the 4th millennium BCE. Last but not least, in case you are a December baby, you can claim turquoise as your birthstone.

Types of Turquoise

Types of Turquoise Types of Turquoise

Copper Turquoise

In the creation of copper turquoise stone, first, copper is added to the crumbled normal turquoise stone, and then, it is recreated or reformed so as to give a beautiful effect of copper on turquoise. Looking at the copper turquoise jewelry, you will discover that the stone is filled with copper deposits which form beautiful patterns. These patterns are generally black and brown matrixes.

Copper turquoise has several healing properties. The extensive copper matrix found in copper turquoise supplies the wearer with humongous vital force and it increases the strength and stamina of the wearer. As the wearer uses copper turquoise jewelry for everyday wear, it increases his resistance to various bacteria and viruses while also relieving allergies. This stone is also considered a powerful solar plexus chakra stone, which is why it neutralizes hyper-acidity and alleviates rheumatism. Emotionally, copper turquoise acts as a purification stone and it dispels negative vibrations. It also aids those suffering from depression and mood swings.

Oyster Turquoise

Oyster turquoise has been greatly loved and appreciated throughout history. Many legends claim that oyster turquoise brings protection, luck, and tranquility to the wearer. Since this gemstone has a combination of colors such as orange, blue, pink, and red, the stone appears naturally attractive and beautiful. They are also considered to be the oldest turquoise used in jewelry making as archaeological findings claim that these stones were used by Native Americans who lived in Southwest America. These beautiful oyster shells are harvested from the Gulf of California.

Oyster turquoise, like copper turquoise, is known for its healing properties. This stone is known to provide courage and strength to the wearer. It also gives you inner power and wisdom to face your challenges head-on. Another important thing about oyster turquoise is, it relieves tension and it calms down the wearer. While keeping negativity at bay, this stone also shields you from EMFs that are emitted by various electronic devices around you. Lastly, it aids the digestive system by increasing your digestive fire, allowing you to absorb more nutrients than an average person who does not wear this stone.

Purple Mojave Turquoise

Purple Mojave Turquoise is a special type of turquoise that is found in the Mojave Desert in northwest Arizona and southeast California in the United States. Although this stone occurs naturally, many times, it can be created through synthetic processes. This stone also goes by the names "Mojave purple turquoise" and "Mojave blue turquoise" because of its unique and distinctive colors. The process of creation of Purple Mojave Turquoise is quite simple to understand. In this process, the natural turquoise stone is mixed with a matrix of bronze metal when the stabilization process takes place, and this produces the beautiful Purple Mojave Turquoise. Not only does bronze give a richness of color to the turquoise, but it also infuses the metal with a unique metallic sheen.

Purple Mojave Turquoise possesses many powerful healing properties. On the level of the mind, it calms emotional suffering like that of heartbreak and eases mental disorders, such as depression. It also fills up the user’s aura with positive energies, and it allows the user to draw in some self-love for himself. On the level of the body, it strengthens the immune system, detoxifies the body, and helps your muscles with its anti-inflammatory properties. Last but not least, it allows you to get in touch with your innermost self and discover your own truths.

Tibetan Turquoise

Tibetan turquoise is a rare type of turquoise that is extensively mined in the Himalayas. The finest grade of Tibetan turquoise is sourced from Lhasa, and the more mediocre grades are sourced from Draya, Ngari-Khorsum, and Derge. Looking at the Tibetan turquoise, you will find it to be a perfect balance between the sharper greens of the copper turquoise and the blues of sleeping beauty turquoise. The Tibetan turquoise has been prized by the Nepalese and Tibetan people for thousands of years since it possesses magnificent beauty and great healing properties.

Talking about the healing properties of this stone, this stone safeguards the family’s fortune and wealth. Spiritually, this stone promotes self-actualization and self-realization. It also allows you to become more confident, overcome fears (such as that of public speaking), and remain composed in every situation. Mentally, it improves your problem-solving ability and allows you to channel fresh perspectives into any problem that you might be facing.

Green Copper Turquoise

Green copper turquoise is a manmade stone that possesses a green shade and sparkles like gold. The golden sheen in green copper turquoise is not natural – first, turquoise stones are crumbled, and then they are reformed with copper. Looking at this stone, you will find a beautiful display of brown and black matrixes. From ancient times, green copper turquoise has been regarded as the stone of communication.

The green copper turquoise possesses many healing properties. For instance, it stimulates the enthusiasm of the wearer and makes him have an element of zest. Since this stone is green in color, it is a powerful heart chakra stone and it allows the wearer to love himself as well as others unconditionally. It also invites healing to the heart center, resolving any and all traumas related to the heart, like a past breakup, abandonment issues, etc. Emotionally, this stone allows the wearer to embody traits such as honesty, wisdom, and compassion. Last but not least, wearing green copper turquoise jewelry can aid you when you speak to large crowds by making you calmer.


We have shared everything that you need to know about turquoise stone before you buy your favorite turquoise treasure. Other than the normal turquoise, you will also find the above types of turquoise stones and their jewelry in the market. It does not matter whether you go to an offline jewelry store, a chain store, or an online store – you will find various kinds of turquoise jewelry such as turquoise rings, turquoise earrings, turquoise pendants, turquoise necklaces, and turquoise bracelets.

By any chance, are you a jewelry retailer looking to buy turquoise jewelry from wholesale gemstone jewelry manufacturers and suppliers? If yes, then you are in luck – you will find all the above types of turquoise jewelry at Rananjay Exports. Not only do they deal in turquoise jewelry, but they also sell 925 sterling silver jewelry and gemstone jewelry in more than 250+ different gemstones. So, browse the website of Rananjay Exports and order any jewelry that you desire.