Variscite is a chalcedony made up of phosphates that occurs in a range of colors like yellowish-green, turquoise, light green, brown, and bluish-green. Since variscite is a hydrated phosphate, you can conclude that it’s a water-bearing phosphate. It’s a relatively rare translucent mineral when you find it in crystal form, however, the variscite stones that are found in aggregated forms are quite common. Generally, the stone possesses white or black patterns on a green base and since this stone is quite fragile, you will find carvings (like figurines) and home décor items more commonly used in comparison to variscite jewelry (like variscite rings). In this blog, we will discuss what variscite is, what is the story behind this stone’s origin, and how can you select a variscite ring that helps you to make a bold fashion statement. So, let us begin with the most basic question – what variscite stone actually is.
What Variscite Stone Actually Is

The variscite stone (another name for this stone is Utahlite) is an extremely rare water-bearing phosphate of aluminum that crystalizes so as to form masses and crusts. It is hard to mine variscite in its crystal form, however, when it crystallizes, it exists in an octahedral crystal structure. Variscite occurs in a range of shades, from the most common colors being teal to light shades of green, and this is why when it comes to color, this stone is similar to turquoise. Ever thought about what gives variscite its signature green hues? Well, the reason for its signature green hues is the presence of chromium in trace amounts.
There are variscite specimens that exist with a white mineral called Crandallite – in these specimens, the Crandallite mineral is formed within the variscite crystal or on top of it – and this combo is highly desired by jewelers who cut these specimens into cabochons. On the Moh’s Scale, this stone ranks between three to four, which is why it’s a fairly soft stone – this is why when you go out to purchase a variscite ring, ensure that it is set in a protected setting like the bezel setting or the prong setting in which the stone is tightly secured. A fun fact: the variscite variety that is mined in Utah is fluorescent, and this is why it is highly prized by collectors.
Origin & History of Variscite

The discovery of variscite gemstone is quite new – it was discovered back in the early 1800s when A. Breithaupt found this stone in the ancient German Voigtland region, at a place called Variscia. The modern-day mines of variscite are located in Australia, Spain, the United States (in Nevada and Arizona), Brazil, and Poland. However, it was not so that the stone was unknown to the ancient civilizations – long before variscite was discovered, people living over 6,000 years ago made variscite jewelry, like variscite bracelets, variscite rings, and variscite necklaces that were made of beads. This jewelry was found in France, and it belonged to the Neolithic era. When these jewelry items were discovered, the French archaeologists thought that these beads were Chinese turquoise, but, after proper testing, they found that these jewelry items were made of variscite gemstone indeed.
Selecting a Variscite Ring That Enables You to Make a Bold Fashion Statement

There are several factors that you need to remember as you select a variscite ring when you wish to make a bold fashion statement with this beautiful gemstone. Here are a few of them:
Color & Pattern of the Stone Set in the Variscite Ring
Although most of the variscite stones have green undertones, this stone occurs in a variety of shades. From yellowish-green, and emerald-green to mint-green and teal, this stone comes in a range of colors – all thanks to impurities such as vanadium and chromium in trace amounts. Remember, we spoke of Crandallite above? Well, it is an inclusion that occurs in variscite, which creates white patterns on the stone, and unlike other inclusions, it increases the value of the stone. On one hand, where Crandallite inclusions increase the value of variscite stone, while on the other, iron inclusions which cause the stone to have violet and red hues decrease the value of the stone. So, purchase the stone with Crandallite inclusions so as to make a bold statement. The stones with alluring color patterns of orbs, veins, splotches, and webbings make the stone look more beautiful, and it makes the stone fit for statement jewelry, so ensure that the stone set in your variscite ring has beautiful patterns so as to make a bold statement. Ensure that you wear a contrasting outfit as well.
Cut & Size of the Stone Set in the Variscite Ring
You will never find variscite in faceted cuts because it is an opaque stone and has a lower Moh’s rating, however, this stone is perfect for cabochons, and the best part is, that it makes extremely durable cabochons because it lacks cleavage. Select a larger stone for your variscite ring that is at least 20X30mm so that the ring can serve as the focal point of the entire outfit. Also, for comfortability, you can opt for adjustable bands.
Choosing the Design of the Variscite Ring
Opt for variscite rings that have large, eye-catching stones set in them. You can even get the ring made in a unique shape (where the stone is free-form) to improve the impact that the ring makes. For instance, an oval-shaped variscite cabochon, when set in a double bezel ring with a filigree design can create a captivating look with striking appeal. Also, choose the right base metal, like 925 sterling silver, and consider getting a variscite gemstone that is 20 carats or greater so as to make a bold impact.
Styling Tips to be Considered While Wearing Variscite Ring
Try pairing your statement variscite ring with a monochromatic outfit so as to make the ring the centerpiece of the ensemble. If you want to make your outfit more complex, then add a pop of color and try wearing the variscite ring with other gemstone rings. You can even wear multiple statement rings and club the statement variscite ring with other statement jewelry so as to look even bolder.
Now that you have read this blog, you know what variscite actually is, what are the origins of this stone, and how you can select a variscite ring so as to make a bold fashion statement. With that being said, would you like to purchase variscite jewelry (like variscite bracelets, necklaces, and pendants) from Rananjay Exports, a highly esteemed gemstone jewelry manufacturer and supplier from India? At Rananjay, we sell various 925 sterling silver jewelry and gemstone jewelry such as Sea Life jewelry, alphabet jewelry, chakra jewelry, and plain silver jewelry. Since our inventory has handmade jewelry and casting jewelry in more than 250+ different gemstones, you have tons of options to choose from! If that gets you excited, then order wholesale gemstone jewelry in stones such as variscite, opal, larimar, moss agate, and many others from Rananjay Exports.