Raw Crystal Raw Crystal


People in modern times admire elaborately cut and polished gemstones. There are many ways in which gemstones and crystals are cut in today’s day and age, the two primary ways being cut into facets or cut into cabochons. However, long before the advanced techniques of cutting, processing, and shaping the precious crystals were developed, people, for millennia, used these precious stones in their natural rough form. Because our appreciation for aesthetics and style is kind of cyclical in nature, there is no wonder that the interest of the current generation in rough-cut gems and raw crystal jewelry is being reignited once again.

Although the elaborately cut and polished crystals and the unpolished raw crystals are quite contrasting, and there might be a debate regarding which is more appealing, however, a considerable amount of people like the raw crystals for their unique look, and raw crystal jewelry is becoming more and more popular day by day. Why?

Well, perhaps they look more natural, less tainted by any kind of human interference, making their beauty complete and honest. Or perhaps because they are better for healing purposes since they never undergo any kind of treatment. Or perhaps because they connect us with our past, where we connect with the history of mankind using raw crystals for their healing properties in the form of raw crystal jewelry. Thus, we can find countless reasons why raw crystal jewelry is once again coming to the limelight.

How To Clean A Raw Crystal

How to Clean a Raw Crystal How to Clean a Raw Crystal

The reason why most people feel that they are fairly adept and capable of guessing gemstones and crystals is because they are used to seeing them in a cabochon or cut form where the gemstone is polished. When the task is to identify the raw gemstone or the raw crystal, most people face challenges. Meaning, the raw crystals and gemstones that are freshly dug up are quite different from the cut forms.

Let us assume that you are an amateur crystal collector, looking for crystals and you want to distinguish precious gemstones from worthless rubble. If you believe that what you found is a gem because of its natural environment, still, there is still a lot to do before you can be certain that the gem you found is that specific gem that you are thinking about.

The first thing you should do after discovering a gem is to clean it. You should never rush in this process just because you want to see the stone’s beauty as soon as possible; carelessness and impatience can cost you dearly in this process. Thinking of using methods such as treatment via chemicals is a good idea only as long as you are an expert – if you are an amateur, the chemicals and methods that would speed up the process could also cause irreversible damage to the stone.

The way to do the cleaning part right is as follows. First, soak the rough gemstone or raw crystal in lukewarm water for several hours. The reason behind doing so is to allow the dirt, grime, and clay to gently slide and settle aside the stone, thus making the stone more open to introspection.

Once soaked, the raw crystal or stone should be dried gently using a nonabrasive cloth. It is at this point when the impurities will start falling off the raw crystal, thus leaving you the most rigid and persistent bits of dirt stuck in the crevices of the gemstone. For cleaning this particular dirt stuck in between the crevices, you should use a toothpick or a match. Make sure that you are patient in this process of removing this remaining dirt.

There is a possibility that your raw crystal requires a more extensive cleaning once the above process is complete. If this is the case, then we suggest that you scrub the raw crystal with a soft nonabrasive brush, and while doing so, be mindful of not pressing too hard against the stone. Pressing too hard can cause scratches on the stone’s surface. Once done, the raw crystal should be allowed to dry off naturally. In other words, never leave the raw crystal in the sun or use a hair dryer to make the drying process faster. If you use these ways, it might cause severe damage to the raw crystal because of rapidly changing temperatures.

Types of Raw Crystals: Raw Crystal Identification

Types of Raw Crystals Types of Raw Crystals

After the proper cleaning of the raw crystal, you are left with the task of identifying which type of crystal or stone it is. We advise you that for this task, you take expert guidance, such as going to a gemological laboratory and asking them about the crystal, and not making the final judgment yourself. However, if you want a rough idea of which crystal or gemstone you are dealing with, here is how to go about it.

Since there are a lot many precious gemstones and crystals out in the world, a lot of them overlap when it comes to the colors they showcase, the sizes they possess, and the formation in which they are found naturally. This is why, the identification of gemstones and crystals is a tough job. Apart from the previously mentioned factors, there are other variables as well, upon which the identification of gemstones depends, which is why, when it comes to raw crystal identification, the method of elimination is used.

In the method of elimination, you take into account the stone’s features one by one, and at the same time, you create a list of likely suspects, all while eliminating those suspected gemstones and crystals that surely don’t fit into the description.

So, if you proceed through this way, the first thing you notice is the gemstone’s color. Now, here is the problem – since almost every color is represented by a number of different gemstones and crystals, it is hard through color alone to tell what kind of stone or crystal you are dealing with. So, the next step in the sequence is to assess the gemstone’s transparency and inclusions. Doing these two things will give you a much better idea of the type of stone or crystal you are dealing with.

At this point, things turn a little bit tricky. Unless you hit a specific and unique color-transparency combination, the job of further identification is something that is next to impossible. It is possible, in a way, but with methods such as spectroscopic analysis and exposure to ultraviolet light. So, if you have the instruments for proceeding with these methods, use them for the identification of the raw crystal. If not, it’s finally time to call for an expert and be sure of which raw crystal or gemstone you possess.

Raw Crystal Jewelry

Raw Crystal Jewelry Raw Crystal Jewelry

Although it is difficult to inlay raw crystals and gemstones into different kinds of jewelry, especially when you have to make raw crystal bracelets, raw crystal necklaces, and raw crystal pendants, still, when done with proper taste and skill, the results produced are often amazing. Raw crystal jewelry can never go out of fashion and it becomes trending every now and then, and this is the reason why you will find a huge variety of raw crystal jewelry at most retail jewelers as well as wholesale gemstone jewelry manufacturers. Below, we are going to cover some of the most commonly used raw crystal jewelry.

The shape in which crystals come naturally is generally not very beautiful and appealing, but, they are somewhat convenient when it comes to setting them in rings and earrings, which is why, you can find raw crystal rings and raw crystal earrings very easily in the market. Most of the raw crystal pendants you will find in the market will be the ones that are made through wire wrapping techniques. These wire-wrapped raw crystal pendants are generally made by hobbyists.

The most common raw crystal jewelry found in the market is the druzy. The druzy jewelry has a thin layer of mineral that is developed over a geode. This type of raw crystal jewelry known as druzy jewelry is perfect for being used as a background for a more prominent stone, or as a focus piece because it has a peculiar texture and a special way through which it reflects light.

Other types of raw crystal jewelry include opal jewelry, moonstone jewelry, moldavite jewelry, peridot jewelry, Libyan desert glass jewelry, turquoise jewelry, and labradorite jewelry. All the above raw crystal jewelry is easily found in the market and liked by a lot of people.


The beauty of raw crystals, both in their natural form as well as the finished form where they are sold as raw crystal jewelry is something that needs deep admiration. When comparing raw crystals with cut and polished crystals, you will discover that raw crystals have their own unique charm. And this charm is the charm of the forces of nature, which have been shaping these crystals and gemstones for much longer than we as a human race have been around. As a jewelry retailer, do you want to deep dive into one of the most amazing and beautiful Raw crystal jewelry collections?

If your answer is a yes, then start browsing the website of Rananjay Exports – India’s top wholesale gemstone jewelry manufacturer and supplier since 2013. Their raw jewelry is available in a variety of different stones, some of the stones being amber, amethyst, citrine, garnet, moldavite, Herkimer diamond, moonstone, opal, and peridot. You can imagine the size of their gemstone jewelry inventory by the fact that they deal in 250+ different gemstones. From handmade jewelry and custom jewelry to casting jewelry and designer jewelry, they sell it all. So, visit Rananjay Exports now and order your favorite raw crystal jewelry.